Excavation Services

Get Excavation Services in Kila or Kalispell, MT

Our team has the expertise needed to get the job done right

From road building to general site prep, Western Earthworks offers comprehensive excavation services to residential and commercial clients in Kalispell and Kila, MT and surrounding areas. As a certified electrical contractor, we're qualified to work on underground utilities. Our technicians will work safely and efficiently to complete your excavation project.

Call today for a free estimate. We look forward to hearing from you!

land clearing services kila mt

When you call on us for service, you can trust that we'll handle your entire project from start to finish. We can:

  1. Complete road-building projects
  2. Install new driveways
  3. Repair large and small driveways
  4. Handle site excavation work
  5. Install underground electrical utilities
  6. Build retaining walls
  7. Provide drainage excavation services

Reach out today to discuss your needs with an excavation expert.